Who Is Our Neighbor?
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
(Matthew 22:39 NRSV)
Community Vision
Community Vision *
First United has a reputation in Oak Park as an organization that is proactive in partnering with the village, community leaders, and other organizers in the creation of new community service programs. Between 1990 and 2004, the church was instrumental in founding West Suburban PADS (now Housing Forward), the Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry (now Beyond Hunger), the Walk-In Ministry (now Prevail, a program of Housing Forward), and Learning Edge Tutoring. These organizations continue, in various forms, to serve people experiencing homelessness, people whose needs include such basics as food, people in personal and financial crises, and young students who need academic help. The church continues to house the Beyond Hunger and Learning Edge offering space at a heavily reduced rental fee. Members also volunteer and donate to these organizations. These mission partners are seen by many neighbors as First United Church’s unique contribution to the community.
In addition, First United Church provides space, volunteers, and financial support to the following direct service organizations:
Kids’ Kloset (clothing bank)
Cub Scouts and Scouts
Numerous Chicago-area musical groups which include City Voices (an adult auditioned choir) and the Pro Musica Youth Chorus
Locally outside the walls, the church assists other providers:
New Moms (housing, training, and care for young mothers and children)
Housing Forward (other programs including housing placement and job training)
BUILD (youth services, gang intervention and prevention)
Many initiatives concerned with environmental protection, prevention of gun violence, and other issues.
Financial, social and emotional help, of recent migrant families’ relocation and orientation in the Chicago area
Nationally and globally, denominational and ecumenical efforts are supported:
Denominational contributions to the UCC and PCUSA, equally divided
One Great Hour of Sharing
Church World Service Crop Walk
Senior high school service trips
Mission work with Palestinian relief organizations
Oak Park, IL
Oak Park is a progressive, racially and economically diverse urban village of 50,000 people living in 4.5 square miles, adjacent to the western boundary of the many-sided city of Chicago. Oak Park’s civic pride is built around high ideals of inclusion, participation, and justice. First United Church strongly subscribes to those ideals. Small-town character is balanced by the presence of three rapid transit lines, an interstate highway, and ready access to both major Chicago airports. Excellent public and parochial schools, an outstanding public library, two nearby private universities, and a large community college are major resources for Oak Park and surrounding communities.